Charts of inland rivers in the USA.
Links to find free charts of USA rivers and USA coastal waters.
There are also links to where the Cumberland and Tennessee River charts are still available on-line.
Links to the USACE district sites have been added.
NEW Added inland charts of Austria, Croatia, The Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Romania, Serbia and Switzerland.
The American Practical Navigator - 2002 - Bowditch and The Armchair Celestial Navigator - 2002 - Farley, bith in PDF format. Free Download..
Also Indonesia Topographic Charts online.
Trying to use a OLTPC for navigation?
Here is a link to a forum thread talking about it in depth.
From installing ubunto to getting SeaClear, Mapcal and JTides working.
Also there are some free downloads for an AIS simulator.
The Beaufort Scale is used to describe how much wind there is.
This page has a link to the Wikipedia article.
In that article they include some photo thumbnails of the sea-state you would experience at each level.
However, since they are very small thumbnails, I have put the full size versions next to each other on one page for easy comparison.
These are offsite links, but it seemd best to put them here.
The website has lots of interesting stuff, but for me, the best are the webcams.
There are several, but the best two are the 1024x768 cams of the Milaflores and Gatun locks. It's best to right click and "Open in a new window".
Milaflores Locks - One level close up. Best views of the ships.
Gatun Locks - Two full levels and part of another. Beter view of the overall operation.
PC modifications.
I am building a PC watercooling system from antique Erector sets.
The next project will be an Erector set PC.
The external cooling system is called the WaterPlant.
The PC, when built, will be called the PowerPlant.
The first link above has lots of pictures, but few comments.
The second link has less pictures, but has the log as I am building it, along with forum members feedback on the results.
The battery in the Garmin Nuvi 350 is not designed for the consumer to replace the battery. But when I heard it was a flat rate of $175 to have the factory do it, well, that sounded like a challange.
I have a few boats. Here are some photos and short descriptions of 3 of them.
I don't have photos of the canoe and the windsurfer, but the power boats are here.
There are a few, more recent, photos of the boat (mixed in with lots of others) here.
Scroll down about 2/3 of the way.
The first large boat I bought was a 36' 1966 Pacemaker Sedan Flybridge.
I bought it in New Jersey and had to get it to Charleston, SC.
This is a write-up of that trip.
1000 miles in a 35 year old wood boat can be interesting.
Here are lot more photos, plus links to layout diagrams.
If you make it to the Floor Plans page, go to the bottom diagram.
The letters on the diagram can be clicked to go to photos of that item or area.
I was going to do all of them that way, add links to manuals and wiring diagrams, but I sold the boat.
A smaller collection of photos.
This page was originally put together as a "For Sale" page.
At the bottom, there are some more recent closeups showing how it was going downhill.
Some photos of some odd looking boats collected from various sources.
I have about 20-30 more to add when I get a chance, so check back.
OK, I lied.
I had about 50 more.
They have been added.
114 pictures now!
And now I added another page. 36 more for a total of 150.
I helped a buddy of mine build a bow sprit for his Sea Ray 245.
Here's the construction photos and the final results.
Not bad at all.
Scanned images of the plan booklets for Halsom American Bricks and Halsom American Logs.
There are two sets of plans, 16 pages each, for the Halsom American Bricks, one from an early version and one from a later one.
The Halsom American Log plans I have are all identical, except for two pages that I haven't found elsewhere.
The one 4 page booklet and then the two additional pages are here.
See below the offsite link for FantasticContraption.com.
The above link will give you links to go see the ones I created.
A list of music, books and DVDs I have. At least most of them. Many with photos.
Just a few of my favorite free open source software tools.
Some photos of my favorite car of all time.
A little article I wrote on styles of discussion and arguing.
My analysis on what I think was, at best, a very sloppy blog entry. And at worst, a fair number of lies. And from someone who proudly has a quote on her page proclaiming her to have "...amazingly accurate inside info". A Nutjob on a Nutjob.
Other Water Related
Hookah Diving is diving using a surface compressor with a hose.
Here are some links.
One for a good introduction to how they work and how they are built.
The others are for sites that sell them in various price ranges.
Looking for a pre-departure list for cruising?
Here's a link to suggestions from the Coast Guard and a PDF of one from a forum member.
There is also a link to the thread in the forum that discusses it in depth.
Here are just some pretty photos that came to me in an e-mail.
Not really big enough for wallpaper unless you don't mind a little grain.
Click on them for larger views.
Miscelaneous photos.
My boats.
Trips to Costa Rica, Canada.
Lake Cumberland and the Tennessee River.
And if you really have nothing to do, scroll to the very bottom for some more photos of me.